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Megan McGee.

Megan, a graduate of Chicago’s Second City Conservatory, spends her days working at Direct Supply, where she does her part to make senior living facilities less institutional and more like college dorms, except with way better food. Megan McGee Broadminded Comedy

She speaks fluent Spanish, has lived in both Spain and Mexico, and even has performed in Spanish: in Mexico, as La Condesa in a touring production of the comedy A Buen Fin, she received many unknowing compliments for having mastered the gringo accent.

Megan has far too many hobbies, and on any given evening she might be playing soccer, vermicomposting, experimental gardening, or cooking tapas for 20 in her Riverwest apartment. If that weren't enough, in 2009 she co-founded Ex Fabula, a nonprofit group that puts on storytelling events; Megan frequently emcees Ex Fabula events and finds it to be a perfect chance for her to combine her improv, organization, and wisecracking skills.